‘Under Care’ – New Guidance

The new guidance requires an examination to be performed before prescribing any controlled drugs such as medication for epilepsy or strong pain killers. Once an examination has been carried out, it may be possible to prescribe between 1 – 6months of medication at a time (case dependant), though this can only be dispensed as monthly allocations.

The new guidance also requires that a physical examination of the pet has to be performed every time any antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and antiparasiticides are prescribed. This includes topical preparations such as ear and eye drops, and all prescription flea/worm/tick products.

The guidance is an important step towards ensuring responsible antimicrobial use and reducing the veterinary impact on the wider issues of global antibiotic resistance, decline of insect populations and the potential misuse of controlled drugs.

Your pet will need to come in for an in-person consultation every time…

– We need to prescribe medication for an ear infection (as most contain antibiotics)

– We need to prescribe antibiotics for any skin problem, even if it’s a chronic problem

– We/you decide to change from one flea/worm/tick product to another

– We suspect a urinary tract infection

– We suspect a gastrointestinal infection

We also can no longer prescribe certain prescription only deworming/flea products without being seen. Once we have seen your pet we will write a prescription in our clinical notes which will allow you to get more medication as needed for a further 12months.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new guidance, RCVS can be contacted on:

020 7202 0789 or [email protected].