Equine Health Plan

Join in 2 Minutes and have peace of mind knowing there is year-round preventative healthcare for your  horse, pony or donkey for only

£16 a month

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Caring for a horse is hugely rewarding, but it’s also a big responsibility

As equine vets we see firsthand how much your horses mean to you, and we understand how important it is for them to be in the best of health. Stanley House Vets equine department is proud to offer our clients a newly designed, comprehensive health plan, now managed by our own practice team.

The plan offers a full annual health review, giving you the opportunity to discuss your horse’s routine management, and any concerns you may have, with the vet. Annual flu and tetanus vaccinations are included, as well as a flexible worming program to fit in with your yard program. An annual dental examination (with sedation included, if required) means we can check for any signs of early dental disease or discomfort, as well as performing any routine treatment necessary.

What you get for £16 a month

● Annual flu & tetanus vaccination
● Annual health check examination
● Annual health questionnaire and review
● Annual routine dental treatment, including sedation if required
● Annual Call out fee
● Annual worm control plan
● Worm egg counts in Spring, Summer and Autumn
● Autumn tapeworm test
● A Winter wormer
● 10% discount on a selection of long term medications
● 10% discount on our range of equine supplements
● 5% discount on our veterinary fees


Plus you also benefit from…

No joining fee
No annual renewal fee
Convenient payment by monthly direct debit
Dedicated monthly member emails, bringing you the latest updates, special offers, worming program reminders and care plan news
Text reminders for booster vaccinations and annual dental examination
Direct contact with our health plan team

An equine health plan designed with owners in mind

Our plan has been structured to include the benefits that you as clients told us you wanted; whilst being flexible enough to allow for the individual needs of your horse, pony, donkey or mule. You can relax knowing that the important things are taken care of, and your vet is just a phone call away for any advice you need.

Quarterly member emails and text reminders will help you plan when your horse’s next treatment or examination is due, leaving you more time to enjoy together. In the unfortunate event that your equine friend becomes unwell or injured, the additional discounts offered in the plan will make that extra care more affordable too.

To find out more about the benefits that our Equine Health Plan membership brings, please read on – or speak to one of our staff members about how the plan could work for you.